In the meantime though I found this photo on my computer from the last time I managed to clean the studio – which was (shockingly) way back in March this year. It’s a shot I took of all my pottery tools freshly cleaned and laid out to dry. I remember thinking how nice they looked (I suppose I have a thing for tools!) so I decided to arrange them a bit and take a photo: I thought maybe other people would be interested to see what tools I use for making my pots. So here’s a quick run down of what they are and what I use them for.
Running roughly from top to bottom and generally from left to right:
- Small hand mirror (for seeing the other side of the pot when throwing)
- Big sponge (for big spills)
- Bowl of slops in water (excess clay goes in here for reclaiming)
- Three fine-pointed decorating brushes (for glazing)
- A metal awl, wooden stick and a nail (for making holes in buttons etc)
- Wooden triangular rib and metal kidney (for shaping pots while throwing)
- Small piece of sandpaper (for smoothing bisque ware before glazing)
- Long sponge on a stick (for soaking up water inside a tall pot when throwing)
- Various round and small sponges (for every possible purpose imaginable)
- A metal ribbon tool (for turning excess clay at the base of a pot)
- Rubber slip trailer (for decorating with glaze or slip)
- Wooden stick (for making holes in beads)
- Three metal hole makers (for making various sized holes in pots)
- Wooden pointy hand-building tool (for shaping hand-built pots or throwing)
- Small sponge on a stick (for soaking water inside narrow pots when throwing)
- Rubber kidney (for shaping pots while throwing)
- Two-ended ribbon tool (for turning excess clay at the base of a pot)
- Piece of chamois leather (used wet to smooth the rim of a pot when throwing)
- Plastic stick (makes good holes in card to sew finished buttons onto)
- Three bisque fired seals (to stamp my initials into wet clay)
- Metal wire (for cutting pots off the wheel)
- Metal pin (So many uses…)
- Metal turning tool (for turning)
- Metal ruler (to measure things!)
- Two-ended blade tool (for cutting leatherhard clay)
- Brush (for cleaning and attaching handles)
- Calipers (for measuring pots)
Hope all of that makes sense! Anyway, unfortunately all of these tools are currently lying jumbled up in a box covered in dried clay. So tomorrow I hope to get them all looking as clean as they were back in March!