
Sunday, 17 April 2011

My RedBubble Account

About two weeks ago I finally got around to opening a RedBubble account. It’s been on the ‘to do’ list for quite some time. One reason for wanting to open one is trying to promote my paintings more (the pots have taken over in the past few years). But another reason is to do something with my ‘back catalogue’ of ‘old and sold’ paintings by making them available for purchase as greeting cards, prints and so on.

Long ago (before digital photography!) I used to take 35mm slides of all my paintings. I have a stack of them covering paintings from 1995 onwards. So I thought it would be a simple matter of getting them scanned and loaded onto my new RedBubble account. Well, to cut a long story short (a story that involves two separate scanners, a PC, a Mac, some cables and quite a lot of tea-and-angst) I discovered that while my slides look fab on my old lightbox, most of them really weren’t up to scratch for display on a computer screen - let alone for print. Not even Photoshop could revive them! So unfortunately I haven’t been able to add everything from my back catalogue. A bit disappointing but never mind.

In the past few days though I’ve loaded 24 images – and there’s plenty more to come. I’ll be adding more in the next few weeks and also when I paint something new too. I’ve already had some positive responses from people on the site, which has been really encouraging, although I’ve yet to explore RedBubble properly...there's too much to see!

Anyway, here’s a link to my main profile page on my RedBubble account. And here’s a link to my first journal entry there too – which is why I feel like I’ve written a blog entry already this week!


  1. I love your paintings. I tried to pick a favourite, but had to settle for the whole of your acrylics :-)

    Perhaps your slides didn't look good enough because your scanner wasn't up to it? Maybe if you had some done in a film lab, they would come out better? Seems such a shame otherwise.

    Anyway, good luck with your latest venture!

  2. Blog looks great, love the paintings. I`d never heard of Red Bubble before, so I`ve learnt something new. Linda

  3. Thanks Sam! Yes, I'm blaming it on the scanners too! I tried to 'save' money by buying a new scanner instead of getting a lab to do it. Next stop Ebay methinks...!

    And thanks Linda - hope you enjoy looking at RedBubble!
